Title IX Protections


Elena DalFavero, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources

Title IX Adult Liaison

Dr. Steve Caminiti, Deputy Superintendent

Title IX Student Liaison

13000 New Airport Road - Auburn, CA - 95603

What is Title IX?

No person---student or staff---shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity. The PUHSD has a policy that addresses Title IX and non-discrimination, and it is committed to ensuring a safe and equitable learning and work environment.

Many think Title IX only addresses equal access to athletic opportunities, but Title IX is much more comprehensive as it relates to non-discrimination and equal access. As a societal issue, it has been given heightened media attention during the recent #MeToo and #TimesUp hashtag campaigns about hostile work and learning environments. 

Please use this link  to access information for parents and/or the public.

What is sexual harassment?

Sexual harassment is "unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that is severe, persistent and pervasive and has a negative impact on a student's ability to benefit from the educational environment." 

What is sexual assault?

What is sexual battery?

What is sexual bullying?

Who can I ask for help?

A person with a discrimination concern or harassment complaint may contact a counselor, administrator, teacher, nurse, mental health professional, psychologist, office staff or law enforcement. One is also encouraged to contact our Title IX Liaisons listed on this webpage. 

Will a report be required?

It is critically important---in order to maintain a person's safety and to preserve a healthy learning and working environment---that a report is made if there is mistreatment or if a person is experiencing sexual harassment or abuse.

How do I file a complaint?

The Title IX Coordinator can assist you in completing a formal complaint. The procedure is also available for the complainant to follow on their own and present to the school district by way of the Superintendent's office. (see: administrative regulation of complaint procedure)

Will my complaint be confidential?

It will depend upon the complaint. In many cases, however, the safety of the individual will require an investigation that will involve naming names. This should not deter a person from reporting an incident, whether involving themselves or others.

What other supports are available?

There are several interim supports for students that may be offered during an investigation: schedule changes, counseling, academic support, etc. Please ask the Liaison for the supports available in a particular situation.

California Department of Education - Resources

Board Policies

Sexual Harassment - Students

Sexual Harassment - Adults

Uniform Complaint Procedure