Board of Trustees

From Left to Right: David Underwood, Casey Jeffreys, Jessica Spaid, Dr. Jeffrey Tooker (Superintendent), Deborah Brannam, and Ron Oates


As the official governing body of the District, the Board:

Updated Trustee Area maps (boundaries) were approved by the Placer County Committee on 6/11/24.

PUHSD Trustee Boundary Map 
Mr. Casey JeffreysBoard Member - Term Expires 2024Board Clerk 2024Trustee Area #1: email

Trustee Jeffreys was elected to the Board in November, 2022, for a two-year term.  He is a husband, father and small business owner in Meadow Vista.  Casey's oldest son graduated from Colfax High School and is now serving our Country as a member of the United States Army, stationed in Germany.  His youngest son is currently a Senior at Colfax High School. 

Mrs. Jessica SpaidBoard Member - Term Expires 2026
Trustee Area #2: email

Trustee Spaid was elected to the Board in November 2022, for a four-year term, and was also elected to serve on the Delegate Assembly for California School Board Association in May 2023, for a two-year term. She serves on the Strengthening Local Governance Policy Platform Committee and advocates at both local and state levels to better serve the families of Placer Union High School District. 

Trustee Spaid is a wife, mother of five sons and lead singer of the band Moonshine Crazy. Two of Jessica's children are current students at Placer High School. Trustee Spaid is a co-founder of Placer County Parents for Choice, a private voice and piano instructor, a business owner, and a former piano accompanist for the kids’ choir at Loomis Union School District.  She has extensive experience as a voice for children, as a special education mom, having worked on numerous parent-teacher committees and the school site safety council. Trustee Spaid understands the value of working together with students, parents, teachers, and staff to improve student outcomes. Her background will bring a new fresh approach from a parent's perspective, putting students and families first.

Mr. David UnderwoodBoard Member - Term Expires 2026
Trustee Area #3: email

Trustee Underwood was first elected to the Board in 2014 after dedicating 39 years as a teacher at Placer High School.  In 2022, he was ran unopposed and will serve another four-year term.  David believes that education of the whole child is imperative with a strong focus on character education. He remains actively involved in the community and regularly travels abroad to visit different cultures. 
Mr. Ron Oates
Board Member - Term Expires 2026
Trustee Area #4: email

Trustee Oates is the father of six children- all of whom attended and graduated from Del Oro High School. Ron owns and operates a small business in Loomis and has served on the Board since 1993. He ran unopposed in 2022 and will serve another four-year term on the Board.  His strong business sense is of great value to the Board. In addition to Ron’s service to students throughout the Placer Union High School District Board responsibilities, he is very active in his local church. 
Mrs. Deborah "Debbie" Brannam Board Member - Term Expires 2024Board President 2024Trustee Area #5: email 
Trustee Brannam was appointed to the Board in April 2019. Debbie has served the district for nearly three decades in various capacities. She served as the administrative assistant to the Del Oro High School principal throughout most of her tenure prior to her retirement in June 2017. Debbie has served on many committees – both at Del Oro and in the Loomis and Penryn communities. Debbie’s interest in serving on the PUHSD Board of Trustees stems from her passion for serving her community and the students, families, teachers and staff in the district. She believes the purpose of a School Board is to support and represent all stakeholders without losing focus on student achievement and equity for all. Debbie and her husband have lived in Penryn for 29 years, where they raised their daughter, who graduated from Del Oro High School.  Debbie completed CSBA's Master in Governance Training in November 2020. The program equips local education agencies with the knowledge and skills to build and support an effective governance structure.  The courses include:  Foundations of Effective Governance, Policy & Judicial Review, School Finance, Human Resources and Community Relations and Advocacy. 


As the policy-making body for the Placer Union High School District, the Board of Trustees is charged with providing a quality public education program for the residents of the Placer Union High School District in accordance with the California Constitution, State Education Code, other State and Federal laws, adopted Board policies, and hears the desires expressed by the community. As elected officials, Board members are State officers responsible for the governance of the school district, which is considered a subdivision of the State. Beyond the establishment of school district policies, the Board is responsible for adoption of the annual budget and approval of all expenditures; employment of personnel; approval of curriculum, textbooks and courses of study; and decision-making relative to the purchase, planning and construction of all school district property. Board members have no power to act individually in the name of the entire Board. Action can only be taken when a majority of the Board is in formal session.


The PUHSD Board of Trustees encourages your attendance at its Board meetings and has established a process for you to express your views to the Board through Public Comment. In the interest of conducting the public meeting in a timely manner, individual speakers will be allowed three (3) minutes to address the Board with no more than twenty minutes per topic.  Completing a blue, "Public Participation" form is preferred but not mandatory.  This form can be obtained at the meeting. 

Public Comment for Items in Closed Session: Individuals who wish to comment on items being considered during Closed Session, shall be provided the opportunity to comment prior to the Board recessing to closed session.  

Public Comment for Items on the Agenda: Individuals who wish to comment on items on the Agenda, shall be provided an opportunity to comment after the staff report and before the Board's consideration of that item.  

Public Comment for Items not on the Agenda: Individuals who wish to comment on items not on the agenda, shall be provided the opportunity to speak during Public Comment on Non-Agendized Items on the Agenda.  The law (California Education Code Section 35145.5) does not allow the Board of Trustees to take action on any item not explicitly posted on the Agenda in advance. 

 To view meetings, agendas and minutes please go to agenda page.