Board Meeting Recordings

PUHSD Bylaw 9324: Minutes and Recordings

The District may tape, film, or broadcast any open Board meeting. The Board President shall announce that a recording or broadcasting is being made at the beginning of the meeting and, as practicable, the recorder or camera shall be placed in plain view of meeting participants.

Any District recording may be erased or destroyed 30 days after the meeting. Recordings made during a meeting are public records and, upon request, shall be made available for inspection by members of the public on a District recorder without charge. (Government Code 54953.5)

Per Board direction on 2.20.24- Board Meeting recordings will be retained on youtube for at least 1 year

School Year 2024-2025

Placer Union Board Meeting 8.20.24

Placer Union Board Meeting 9.17.24

Placer Union Board Meeting 10.15.24

Placer Union Board Meeting 11.19.24

Placer Union Board Meeting 12.17.24

SPECIAL Board Meeting 1.7.25

SPECIAL Board Meeting 1.16.25- Trustee Vacancy (Not Live Streamed but recorded

Placer Union Board Meeting 1.21.25

Placer Union Board Meeting 2.18.25

Placer Union Board Meeting 3.18.25

Placer Union Board Meeting 4.8.25

Placer Union Board Meeting 5.20.25

Placer Union Board Meeting 6.3.25

Placer Union Board Meeting 6.17.25

School Year 2023-2024

Placer Union Board Meeting 6.18.24

Placer Union Board Meeting 6.4.24

Placer Union Board Meeting 5.21.24

Placer Union Board Meeting 4.16.24

Placer Union Board Meeting 3.19.24

Placer Union Board Meeting 2.20.24

Placer Union Board Meeting 1.16.24