Privacy Principles

Privacy Liaisons

Carlos Segura

Privacy Letter to Parents

Please read our letter to families regarding student data. It is an effort to communicate assurances, state our commitments, as well as be responsive to society's fast-changing technology landscape. Also addressed are the latest California statutes on student data protections. Read Privacy Letter to Families.

Release of Directory Information

During Annual Data Confirmation, parents are provided the opportunity to opt-out of any release of directory information on their child. For Board Policies related to student records and release of directory information, visit Examples of directory information include the following:

RELEASE OF DIRECTORY INFORMATION.  California law allows the following directory information to be disclosed by school officials:  student name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, date of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized sports and activities, weight and height of athletic team members, dates of attendance, awards received, and the most recent previous school attended. Directory information released to PTAs, Alumni Association, law enforcement agencies, military recruiters and institutions of higher education may include a student’s name, address, e-mail and telephone number.

Data Privacy Practices

All data is transmitted through encryption protocols (HTTPS:) via a student information system (Aeries SIS). Passwords to Aeries change every 180 days, with an industry-standard complexity. 

Staff are not to auto-save or use auto-fill features when it comes to their Aeries SIS password. Read the email sent to new staff regarding password protocols---read Email to Staff.

PUHSD operates 3rd party systems that tap into the Aeries SIS on a "minimal information required" basis. Examples include food service, library service, and parent notification.

Data Breach Policy & Procedures

If we are informed of a data breach, we notify affected parties as soon as possible. We also follow up with reminders of best practices to staff and faculty, regardless of the source of the breach. 

Review board policies regarding student records, release of directory information, and data breach practices on Simbli. Type in a key word to find the accompanying policy or regulation. For example: 

As per 5145.6 Board Exhibit: 

In the event of a breach of security of district records, notification to affected persons.

Education or Other Legal Code: Civil Code 1798.29

Board Policy/Administrative Regulation #: See BP 3580

Subject:  Types of records affected, date of breach, description of incident, contact information for credit reporting agencies

PII = Personally Identifiable Information

PII is any data that could potentially identify an individual, like a combination of an email and birthdate. Whenever possible---especially in electronic correspondence---we do not include information that would allow a person outside of our educational staff to determine the identity of a student. Often, staff only use initials in correspondence.

No SS#s & Immigration Status

No Social Security numbers are stored in our student information system. While an SS# is required to issue a work permit, it is only entered temporarily and then immediately deleted. Also, no immigration status information is collected or stored in any fashion in the PUHSD.

PUHSD's Essential Data & Privacy Principles
PUHSD.US: Data Privacy Kick-off at Staff Meeting