Measure D
(Del Oro)
Measure D Purpose
A duly called election was held in the District on November 6, 2018, and the returns were thereafter canvassed pursuant to law. At the election there was submitted to and approved by the requisite fifty-five percent (55%) vote of the qualified electors of the SFID voting on the following measure for incurring bonded indebtedness:
To repair/upgrade aging classrooms/facilities at Del Oro High School; repair deteriorating roofs/plumbing; upgrade science, math, computer, engineering labs and career education classrooms; maintain safe drinking water; reduce overcrowding; improve safety/security; shall the measure for Del Oro High School Facilities Improvement District No. 2 of Placer Union High School District issuing $40,300,000 in bonds at legal interest rates, averaging $2,341,000 raised annually until 2050, rates estimated at $27 per $100,000 assessed valuation be adopted, with independent oversight/audits, funding for Del Oro High School only.
Oversight Committee
Rebecca Feickert, Chairperson, At-Large Member
Russ Kelley, Senior Citizens' Organization Member
Julie Hanson, Taxpayers' Organization Member
Randy Elder, Business Organization Member & At-Large Community Member
Tracie Tweet, Parent/Guardian
Lensi Hopkins, Parent/PTC Member
Krista Drinkwater, Tax Payers' Organization, Parent, PTC Member
Past Agendas & Minutes
The students and staff are loving the new buildings, the updated facilities and usable grounds!!! Thank You Del Oro Communities!!!
Construction and Project Updates
Measure D Update - February 3, 2022
Three New Classroom Buildings: The three buildings have been completed and classes are currently taking place in these beautiful, new classrooms!
Building 3
Between Bldg 3 & 300
Fire Lane
Main Courtyard:
Main Courtyard North
North of 200 Building
South of 300 Building
Main Courtyard South
Demo and Removal of Portables 614 & 615
New Flooring, Paint, and Ceiling Tiles in Portable 605
Facility Master Plan - GO Bond Implementation
Facilities Master Plan - General Obligation Bond Implementation
In order to meet the short and-long-term needs of more than 4,000 students within the Placer Union High School District, we developed a Facility Master Plan (FMP) in 2016 that outlines project lists and priorities as the basis for a potential General Obligation (GO) bond.
It is important to understand that a GO bond program entails a multi-year process that is reliant on phased access to funds. Additionally, the process to complete the Facility Master Plan included several meetings with stakeholders at many levels – community-wide meetings, staff, parents and students.
Fundamentally, the community and district established the priorities below to help guide the process:
1) Address capacity – by providing permanent learning environments.
2) Replace aging portable classrooms – Rather than renovate, replace aging portables with permanent classrooms.
3) Improve aging infrastructure – Update old underground utilities, aging HVAC and other needed infrastructure, as well as maintain a safe and secure campus.
4) STE(A)M – Science, Technology, Engineering and Math focus, in tandem with the Arts – Upgrade technology to accommodate and increase student learning and collaboration.
5) Career Technical Education (CTE) – Increase flexible spaces designed to support project-based learning across all academic disciplines.
6) Student Union/Learning Commons – Create a student-centered space for research, group study, and production to encourage student and teacher collaboration.
Project Summary
This project summary was developed with input from the FMP process, and was broken into three categories of “priority,” “go back” and “future”:
Site infrastructure
New classroom building (s)
Building 400 renovation
Building 100 HVAC
Go Backs:
Building 100 renovation
Site athletics & stadium upgrades
Building 200 upgrades (as needed)
New Construction/ Modernization Funding:
As of July 2017, the district has been in line with the Office of Public School Construction (OPSC) to receive $14.24M in new construction monies for three new classroom buildings at Del Oro. We expect to receive this funding by Oct. 2020.
Prop 51:
$40M will ultimately mean $55M to the district when the state releases an additional $15 million in Prop 51 funds to the district. New classroom buildings must be the priority in order to be eligible for this additional funding.
Del Oro Building Renderings
Courtyard Rendering and Artist Concept