
Social Media Policy

Comments Policy

We welcome you and your comments to the Placer Union High School District's social media pages.

The purpose of our social media sites is to share news and information about PUHSD. We encourage questions and comments, but please note this is a moderated online discussion site and not a public forum. Community-contributed content on the page is the opinion of the specific author and does not represent PUHSD.

PUHSD abides by Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Twitter's Statement of Rights and Responsibilities, and the District asks its fans and followers to do the same. PUHSD reserves the right to delete posted comments and images that:

Please note that the comments expressed on this site do not reflect the official opinions and positions of the PUHSD or the PUHSD Board of Trustees.

Facebook encourages all users to utilize the "Report" links when they find abusive content. PUHSD thanks you in advance for your contributions to the District’s Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages, and for your help in creating a safe and vibrant online community.

If you have any questions concerning the operation of this site, please contact the PUHSD Communications Officer at srath@puhsd.k12.ca.us.

View our District-Sponsored Social Media Policy

View our District-Sponsored Social Media Regulation